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Course Notes:
Work Safety Precautions
General Warnings
- Dont be in a rush is it under warranty if it is the problems
not yours.
- Document what you do.
- Look to protect yourself and the equipment.
Electrical Precautions
- Pull the plug you can replace computers but you cant replace
a human life.
- Disconnect all 240V attached to machine.
- Not just turned off explain active lead to front of computer
- Areas that are out of bounds.
1. Inside the power supply.
2. Inside monitor.
3. Both should be fixed by qualified technicians explain complexities
of monitors (high voltage specialized repairs difficult to adjust without
special equipment.
- Watch out for components left inside case screws screwdrivers
etc. these can cause short circuits and blow up components.
Mechanical Precautions
- If possible have a large work area.
- Minimise components falling to floor and getting lost.
- Plenty of light components and cable fittings are small needs
plenty of light to see what you doing and that they are being connected properly
Get a torch if necessary.
- Dont tighten screws too tight.
- Use the right screws.
- Dont use screws longer than 1/8 inch in the side of mounting
- Watch out for sharp edges especially poor quality cases razor
- You can also cut overhanging wires with case edges beware.
Data Precautions
- Back up your data even on simple installations even
if done a hundred times before.
- Back
up especially on upgrades computer worth $2000 but data on the computer
might be worth many tens of thousands to replace (if it can be).
- Make
sure you have a bootable floppy.
- If
you are working on a network make sure you have a bootable floppy with network
drivers so that you can access the network.
- Make
a copy of the CMOS setting before you work or change anything.
- If
the computer is working make sure everything opened is saved then shut
it down properly.
- Explain the concept of static electricity.
- Static kills components it destroys
instantly it is a high voltage most computer components are a low voltage.
- Work in a static-safe area OR use ground straps (see
- If you cant work in antistatic area - ground yourself
before touching anything.
- A good place to ground yourself is on the computer power
supply case.
- Beware of working in carpeted area some shoes generate
more static than others some clothes have the same effect air conditioned
buildings are more prone to it beware of walking around in nylon socks and
then touching components.
- Commercial wrist straps have built in resistor safeguard
against touching 240V or other live power sources.
- Handle components by their edges.
- Avoid touching pins, connectors and edge strips - explain
oils from fingers can damage the connector strips.
- Store components in antistatic bags.
- Dont use this material on the base of test beds because
it is conductive.

- Dont leave computer with cases off around children
- This can apply to some adults